FORENSIC SERVICES-INDIA is a Forensic firm and providing services for the last more than 13 years in the Hon'ble District and High Courts of Delhi, NCR, Haryana, Punjab and other States of India and deal cases in the field of Handwriting & Signature verification, Fingerprints verification including Civil & Criminal Cases pending in the Court of Law, Govt. and Private Departmental Inquiries, Dept. Recovery Tribunals (D.R.T) Cases, Bank Frauds, Arbitrations matters etc under section 45 of Indian Evidence Act (I.E.A).

We also submitted opinions in Forensic Ballistics, DNA and Serology in the Court of Law and assisted Counsels at many occasion in the Cross examination of FSL reports. We have so far examined and prepared about 2000 reports on the subject of Handwriting and Fingerprints verification and tendered opinions in various courts of Law including CBI and appeared as an Expert witness and given testimony before CBI Courts, High courts, Arbitration, Court Commissioner in this connection. Our report are acceptable in all over India.